December 06, 2007

A German shepherd to die for protecting owner from an illegal!

"Congo is an 85-pound German Shepherd who attacked a Honduran landscaper [Giovanni Rivera] in Princeton. NJ after the illegal alien, fearing the dog, grabbed the wife and mother of the family to use her as a human shield. She understandably screamed, and Congo, appropriately, attacked. Congo has now been sentenced to death by [Princeton Municipal Court Judge Russell Annich] for the attack, and the illegal alien has received $250,000 in an insurance settlement."
FROM: Tammy Bruce

Guy James, the dog's owner, said he told the landscapers in Spanish to stay in their car until the six dogs, including Congo, were finished eating in the yard, but they didn't. A chaotic scene followed. Elizabeth James went into the yard to try to quell the situation. She said one of the workers hit the dogs with a rake and then Rivera grabbed her.
"This man grabbed me once. I saw Congo jump up. I can't say if he made contact. The second time he grabbed me from behind and we both went down on the grass. He wouldn't let go of my arm and these dogs were going to protect me," said James.


Keep in mind that-
1) The dog was provoked.
2) The man grabbed the wife and caused her to scream.
3) The man was IN THE COMISSION OF SEVERAL CRIMES when the incident occured.