November 07, 2006

ACLU advocates overturn of US Constitution

"With its Human Rights Program, the American Civil Liberties Union is now going even one step further. It is asking non-American institutions to tell us how to conduct our own affairs under international human rights norms that are supposed to supplement the Constitution. Every domestic policy issue becomes fair game for the “international arbiters” selected by the ACLU to apply international “norms” instead of our own duly enacted laws. The ACLU is no longer willing to rely on the strength of America’s own democratic institutions to resolve our problems ourselves within the proven framework of our own Constitution. They want to outsource that task to global governance institutions that are hostile to the national sovereignty and democratic values of our country. In short, the ACLU’s idiot savants have become the useful idiots for those enemies of the United States whose aim is to manipulate the truth and undermine our unique Constitutional system of self-government. "

ACLU advocates overturn of US Constitution

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